Chris Jericho - "The sexy beast is back" (Ft. Randy Orton (wrestling))

"Welcome to Raw is Jericho! This is not a mirage. This is real. This is here. This is now. This is the second coming of Y2J! You remembered. I want you to take out your cell phones. Text your friends. Take a picture. Shoot a video. Send an email. Call them all and tell them that the sexy beast is back, baby! And I promise to ignite you, to excite you, to delight you, and I invite you to strap on your seatbelts, ease the seat back, click it into gear, and go into overdrive because from this point forward it's 100% entertainment. 100% electricity. 100% Jericho!"

Randy Orton: "Wait a minute, wait a minute. Who the hell do you think you are? The last time I saw you Jericho, you were getting fired on Raw. And it's a good thing too, 'cause if you would have stayed on Raw, would have just been a matter of time before I kicked you in your head and ended your career. So tell us, tell us old saviour what's so important that you had to come back? What exactly, what exactly are you saving us from?"

Chris Jericho: "Well, your boring personality for one. You want me to continue? How about saving us from that face of yours that looks like you got flattened by a frying pan. Or your monotonous robotic Randy Orton voice. Or how about a save us from childbearing hips. Your super cuts hairstyle. Your subscription to Blue Balls Magazine. But most importantly Randy Orton, I'm here to save us from you. Because the first chance I get, I'm gonna take that WWE Championship from you. And I'm going to put it around this gorgeous waist and when I do, Monday Night Raw, The WWE Sports Entertainment, Entertainment Entertainment, the state of Florida, the county of the United States, the western hemisphere, the planet Earth, the heavens above, the galaxies, the crown nebula, the universe itself...will the same a-gain!"


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