Don Poldon - Liquid dream

There is something about the end of summer
The days are growing shorter but the light seems to have more golden [?]
Almost like the sun is trying to mask up [?] all its [?]
[?] colors

What have you done?

Liquid Dream nie schodzi mi
Human League for reals only
Only happy hoes are free
I’m too high she told me
Motherfucking poetry
Motherfucking magic shit
Daj mi te noc baby
Forget my numbers please
I’ll try, don’t forget your kiss
Uwierz mi, please believe
I’ll nevеr forget your lips
Jak Beatelsi w submarinе
Wpierdalam się w LSD
Wpierdalam się w LSD
Only happy hoes are free
I’ll try, don’t forget your kiss
Uwierz mi, please believe
I’ll never ever forget your lips
Jak Beatelsi w submarine
Wpierdalam się w LSD
Wpierdalam się w LSD
Only happy hoes are free


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