Dzyadzorm - If Ever (Ft. Ria Boss)

If ever there was life after this one
A breath to follow up after the last from this flesh has been drawn
Gone into an abyss of things to be reborn
Of memories to loiter over ourselves anew like déjà vu
Will you remember me or remind me if I forget you?
With hearts promised lifetimes of love supply
If the universe’s resolve doesn’t lie
Then those days when our spirits again find themselves temporarily confined
When my bones sit in skin that doesn’t look like mine
And you speak with a grin that doesn’t crook like yours
I want to believe that our souls can push past some earthly force
Just to find each other in between unusual circumstances
And divinity in the existence of second chances
You will steal glances of me from across the room
Not knowing my name but somehow acquainted with the scent of my perfume
And my unconscious self will mirror your smile
Because you don’t look like a stranger,
More like an old friend I haven’t seen in a while
We will talk ourselves into old habits and laugh over new things
Fight for new reasons and flirt with old routines
But let’s not get laid back like sometimes we do now
Let’s not laze in the inevitability time and space will allow
We may not have forever to get freaky
I’m just here wishing upon the stars that we have it otherwise
Waiting on their response faithfully
If ever we should return to these worldly days as anything other than human beings
Reluctantly split to exist between the worlds of living and non-living things
If your legs should just so happen muscle into roots thrusting the secrets of the land
Your branches carrying supple leaves like nature’s excuse for hands
When you feel the sky shine her gold mine on the bark of your spine
I hope you remember I always said I’d be your sunshine.
Always yours and constantly lit
And when I’m gone for too long I hope you remember that I’m worth the wait.
A thousand worlds; a thousand chances to be together
Who cares what they say?
Some things could last forever.


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