Exit Verse - Fiddle & Flame

Find no footprints where I stroll
Find no skid marks on this well-traveled road
And out on the next road, there's trouble on the tracks
From the get-go, it was clear there's no turning back
There's no turning back

Did my wandering on the Mid-Day Scot
From Leicester to London
All the way to Kilmarnock

And I'm okay to spend the rest of my days
In this three-room bath
Where the windows rattle
And the records play
Let the records play
Once, I bought new patent leather shoes
But I can't recall
Did they wear out, or did I lose 'em?

But I remember the fiddle and the train
Picked up the embers, and that's how I learned
How I learned to play

I remember the fiddle and the flame
Picked up the embers, and that's how I learned
How I learned, How I learned
How I learned to play


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