Frightened Rabbit - Cheap Gold

Cheap gold
Drips from dressed up trees
Cheap gold
Lines the salted streets
Cheap gold
And a gift receipt
In case it's not what she wants
Cheap gold
The ring on the familiar hand
Cheap gold
A cross on a necklace that he bought
Wrapped in cheap gold paper
Hoping it would be enough to keep her
Cheap gold
And the tarnished silver snow
From a doorway to fall
To the Lothian winter
Falling down like heavy drinkers
Take, take the steamed-up taxi home
And suck a hip flask to stay warm
Ignore the hardened winter
Swap a kiss for a stiff ring finger
The thought that counted has gone missing
Feels so cheap but remember this is
Not for life, it's just for Christmas

Cheap gold, cheap gold, cheap gold


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