Gerard Alessandrini - Rap Battle

1, 2, 3, 4
I've been spittin' lots of rap by Eminem
Some men say I am a femme fatale to them
You want a new addition? I want a competition
So listen to my proposition
When Snoop Dogg tells me it's self evident that all dudes have no equal
Well when I meet Drake and Lil Wayne, Ima compel 'em to include Nicki in the sequel

Try it

See, see, see
See this is what it feels like to catch hell
To someone who can repel I'm a hell of a match
It's the horror of knowing I'll beat ya out
It's Ben Franklin with a cane and the gout
Ya feel it? Ouch
Your dissertation lasted two minutes maybe three minutes
Everything you said was all inchorent
I'm precise and I'm incredibly clear
I'm a little bit endearing with a bit of a sneer
I'm a bit of a flirt but I've got a good ear
I'm from a sassy family, everyone's peerless
Your tongue-warbled family, they reek to fear
You're petrified you're sweating from the seat of your rear


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