Juice Rap News - RN27: MSMBS News Headlies: ISIS, Gaza, Ukraine, Ebola, Ferguson and more...

[Robert Foster]
Robert Foster on top roster with perfect precision
Flipping this transmission of rap news journalism
This edition, we're shocked by the apparent surplus surfeit of
Worsening urgent news stories that in the world have arisen:
Deadly epidemics;
An airliner shot down by militants;
Giant sinkholes confirm dire climate change predictions;
The slaughter of women and children;
And if that's not sufficient, we lost Robin Williams
How does humanity manage to cope and survive
With all of these calamities happening all at the same time?
To find out, tonight we'll tune in to the mainstream media line
Hold on tight...
I'll see you on the other side
[Brian Washington]
Turn off the rest!
Tune in to the best of the best!
I'm Brian Washington
One of the vets of this nation's press
The time is six. Switch on your television sets
To get your daily fix of headlies right here on MSMBS
In Gaza: Hamas attacks Israeli missiles with children
In Russia: Could these sink-holes be a new source of free heating?
In Ferguson... umm... nothing is happening...
World mourns death of Robin Williams, national tragedy
In our main story: the Mid-Oil East is attacked
By a group of ruthless savages
For deep analysis we have an exclusive interview with General Baxter
General, a massive new threat to world peace...?

[General Baxter]
I know exactly what you mean:
Everything would be going great, actually improving
In The American Empire, or Planet Earth, as some refer to it
If it wasn't for that cavalier racketeer, Vladimir Putin
Thanks to him, it's become a dangerous planet here for humans

[Brian Washington]
[General Baxter]
Frickin' Putin!
He's on a killing-spree:
It was his missile that blew flight MH17 to smithereens!

[Brian Washington]
In March he launched "Operation: Crimea and Punishment"

[General Baxter]
Now he's set to march in and invade Ukraine

[Brian Washington]
Seizing territory, giving weaponry to extremist lunatics...

[General Baxter]
Honestly... No surprise those arms are used to commit atrocities

[Brian Washington]
Who would ever do such a thing?

[General Baxter]
I know, right? Despicable!

[Brian Washington]
In other news: what's the latest from the State of Israel?
[General Baxter]
We're sending our buddy Bibi plenty of weapons and munitions
No surprise, those arms are used in heroic self-defense missions

[Brian Washington]
"Operation: Cropping-the-Hedge" was a crowd-pleaser

[General Baxter]
It was a hell of a pinpoint operation, a cutting-edge procedure;
Hitting the terrorist's human shields with the deftest precision
In schools, hospitals, ambulances, UN shelters, even

[Brian Washington]
Very efficient! We'll be right back... after this message

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[Brian Washington]
Welcome back. Many are calling for boycotts and sanctions. Your reaction?

[General Baxter]
No question. Putin deserves punitive action;
He's even arming Bashar Al-Asshole, a madman assassin
Who's massacring Syrian civilians by the thousands
In a civil war that shows no signs of subsidence
Thankfully, we armed Syrian rebel groups to avert a crisis!

[Brian Washington]
You mean groups like ISIS?

[General Baxter]
Yes! I mean no. Well kind of...

[Brian Washington]
Hold that thought, General, let's give our audience some guidance
Who is ISIS? What are they seeking to do?
Fortunately, they're very active on social media too
Where they cunningly disseminate their hateful deviant views
Watch their latest viral video by a recent recruit

[ISIS recruit]
Yo... Infidels better listen
Yo, so check it, this is I.S., For you kuffs this is scary
You're now face to face with the formidable adversary
We're ready to carry out beheadings in any enemy village
And spread our rigid medieval beliefs on the Twitter feed, innit
We're the military force straight blamming you back far
Turning your own weapons back on you, yelling Allahu Akbar!
Gotta be rock stars with rocket launchers, jacking armoured cars
Destined to bring Sharia law direct to your back yard
Yeah, get ready, infidels!
It's time for the flames
We go psycho and stab a knife right in your brains
First we take Iraq and leave the Sykes-Picot lines all erased
Then redraw the world map with the design Allah wanted made

[Recruit's mum]
Timmy! Dinner time!

[ISIS recruit]
But, mum...

[Recruit's mum]
Downstairs, now
You can do Jihad later

[Brian Washington]
General, what do you make of all this?

[General Baxter]
Bucky, these creeps are total scumbag jihadis
Led by the Mack-Daddy of Iraqi Baddies, Bakr Al-Baghdadi

[Brian Washington]
I heard he's eighty timesֲ eviler than Osama Bin Laden

[General Baxter]

[Brian Washington]
So which tyrant is giving these lunatics weaponry?

[General Baxter]
Uh... well, remember how in two thousand and three
We liberated Iraq... and then armed the Iraqi army
After we finished destroying the Iraqi army with our army?

[Brian Washingtn]

...The arms we armed the Iraqi army with
Couldn't defend the Iraqis and got hijacked as ISIS armaments
So now we're dropping our bombs to bomb the bombs
We gave to them Iraqis to make Iraq safe...
To make Iraqis safe again
Now I.S. is on the rampage, expanding the caliphate
It's a reverse crusade, and these fanatics love to decapitate and cut necks

[Brian Washington]
And they're coming for us next

[General Baxter]
That is correct, this could well be worse than 9-11 if left unchecked

[Brian Washington]
So what can we do to stop them? How can we fight this?

[General Baxter]
We must expand 'Operation Unintentionally Support ISIS'
By arming the Kurds, the Yazidis and Malaysian airliners
That should put a stop to Putin inciting all this violence

[Terrence Moonseed]

[Brian Washington]
What the?! Stand by while we fix our devices

[Terrence Moonseed]
Sheeple! I've arrived to leak the lies of the Mainstream Media tyrants

[Brian Washington]
Who the heck are you?

[Terrence Moonseed]
Terrence Moonseed, from the League of Defiance
I've hijacked the feed to bring you the truth hiding behind these events
These child deaths in the news are heathen sacrifices
By the Illuminati. check their symbol: see where the line is?
Divide it, that's an I and an S, multiply it. What does it 'spell'?
'ISIS'! the Egyptian goddess protector of the dead and children...
That's right, kids!
But that's just the surface of the crisis upon us:
Three massive sink-holes have appeared in the Yamal province
You think it's coincidence Yamal means 'End of the World'?
Forget methane! Those're tunnels for the elite to escape into the hollow Earth
Once Obama brings the Ebola Bioweapon to America

[Brian Washington]
What do you mean?

[Terrence Moonseed]
Untested 'vaccine' injections are spreading it beyond the African Area
Next is FEMA quarantine and militarised police to purge us when
They bring in Martial Law: just look at Ferguson!
The whole world is about to go Shazbot
It's a plot by the Freemasons

[General Baxter]
Is this guy free-basing?

[Terrence Moonseed]
Only the Pleiadian aliens can save us!

[Brian Washington]

[Terrence Moonseed]
It's no laughing matter, dork!
They've deprived us of laughter by staging the death of Mork

[Brian Washington]
Sorry, that was just... uh... static in the satellite dish

[Terrence Moonseed]

[Brian Washington]

[Terrence Moonseed]
Terrence is back like a virus; I'm wireless

[Brian Washington]
Now look here, I'm the host...

[Terrence Moonseed]
Pfft... you're just the hoax...

[General Baxter]
Ugh! now you understand why we tortured some folks?

[Terrence Moonseed]
Everybody listen! The "news" is just a form of escapism
They make us live in comforting delusions by weaving
Improbable elaborate narratives to explain the system
But the truth is succinct and plausible:

[General Baxter]
You idiot blowhead... forget your Prozac dosage?

[Terrence Moonseed]
Shut up, Baxter! Don't you have an Afghani corpse to pose with?

[General Baxter]
You ass-candle

[Brian Washington]
Now calm down. This is a serious news channel
Up next: "Celebrity Pet Scandals"

[Robert Foster]
Alright... I think we've witnessed enough
To get a sense of how we cope in the midst of the flood
Of overwhelming catastrophies that's building up:
Be it Mainstream or Moonseed
The news feed performs an indispensable function
As a sort of medicinal crutch
That aids us on a daily basis to deal with the crushing gravity of the tragedies and other maladies
That keep humanity gripped in their clutch. ֲ
Fortunately, here at Rap News we like to say:
Fuck that shit, do not adjust the language
Give us truth of injustice, candid, untampered with
Free from fanciful narratives, savage ironies un-redacted;
For the Juice is the only remedy that can vanquish it


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