Kendall Joshua - Daily Thoughts

[Ronald Reagan]
The future doesn't belong the faint hearted, it belongs to the brave

[Hilliary Clinton]
Even today there are those who are trying to silence our words

[Rod Serling]
You walk into this room at your own risk, because it leads to the future, not a future that will be but one that might be

[Paul McCartney]
Um... Uh... well I think the main changes are in people's attitudes, attitude to you
[Lauryn Hill]
Well music is my first love and I just... stumbled. And when I tell you I stumbled, well actually I didn't stumble cause there are no accidents but

[Pharrell Williams]
Zero airplay... nothing. And the next thing you know... Boom

[Muhammad Ali]
Six hours a day, twelve years, break it down, you sit in a classroom for three years... without leaving

[Psycho, 1960 (Norman Bates)]
Why she wouldn't even harm a fly

[9/11 News Reporter]
Another plane, just flew, into the second tower

[Rod Serling]
Logic is an enemy. And truth is a menace

[News Reporter]
Breaking news violent protests are running street battles breaking out in Baltimore

[Boyz N The Hood, 1991 (Furious Styles)]
Oh you bad you gotta shoot somebody now. Well here I am... come on shoot me

[The Pursuit Of Happyness, 2006 (Chris Gardner)]
Oh my goodness... open open open! Woah...!
And the grammy goes to..
And the oscar goes to...

[Kanye West]
I love it feels good to be home!

[Forrest Gump]
There was only one thing I can say about the war in Vietnam

[Willy Wonka]
It happens every time they all become blueberries

[Michael Jackson]
When i'm performing... it's ahh I could sleep on stage, I hate leaving the stage, I was raised on stage

[Neil Armstrong]
That's one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind


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