In a world of sin. Filled with hatred, goth, backstabbing, pain, evil & atrocities, I am born & bred.

A man of insolent will & non-despondent attrition. Filled with divine knowledge transposed upon by the few enlightened minds deceased since centuries ago, but alive in minds like mine. I keep to myself.

Watered by the rain of decadence, nourished by false sources of energy, led by stray men, in a gathering of wolves in sheepskin. Betraying omens, altering fate & manipulating false prophecies. In a world of madness. I keep to myself.

I’ve managed to raise my head above the muddles & medleys of pathetic indulgences, fallacies, fads, & fake facades. Openly labeled an enemy. In a world you can't share true opinions without being crucified for it, by the same people whom lack understanding or secretly agree to it. A world once ruled by Kings & great men. Now become a world swayed by famous nonentities sputtering psychobabbles to a hypnotized Amen.

I mourn the birth of the new breed & pray for the resurrection of the old seeds. My soul bleeds. Blue blood for Purple Hearts. My pain endures, it can't be cured. So I keep to myself.

Nothing in life is guaranteed but death. That's why everyday's is a blessing. & While we live our fate is in the hands of God to protect us. But God never comes down, He sends Angels. Supreme beings amongst us to which we owe gratitude
I have a thousand reasons for solitude & I lost one. My current state of mind reflects ineptitude, for I've lost loved ones. Gone with the winds of change & the twists of fate, who's to blame? Lovers turned rouge, friends turned foes, & all is Woe. Keeps me closed in, but I won't implode from within.


Revelry of my mind constitutes a waste of energy. No synergy, like a scenery of unaccustomed liturgy.

Too many varied conceptions, misconceptions, judgmental connotations & denotations of my verbiage.

grrrrr, I keep to myself.

Subconsciously, but I'm conscious of my conscience & it's obvious the nonsense I'm exposed to substantially constitutes my state of mind.

In other words, I intentionally think things & refrain from doing deeds unknowingly, knowing the consequences of the antecedent.

But. In this world infiltrated by evil, I stand firm.

Angels. Cast under the spell of a halo, I'm saved.

These demons aren't enough to desecrate my soul or deprive me of credence.

We pray for Angels, but the devil was once an Angel.

Now we blame the devil for all evil, but who gave him all that power

I speak with eloquence. Amidst negligence, ungodliness & violence. Embedded in a generation bred with foolishness.
No sense can be made in a gathering of insolence. No dejectedness can be surmounted in the advocacy of backwardness. No greatness can be attained by foolish men.

I keep to myself. Far from the norm I’m one of one. Concede to the voice of the Chosen One. King of all I’ve built my cross. I keep to myself. A great mind is the world's biggest enemy.



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