Maundz - Pink Shirts

[Verse 1]
I check the people that walk around the streets of Melbourne
And I'm thinking to myself how the fuck is fashion selling?
I guess I missed that last bust at DFO 'cause every dude that I see walking is telling me I need to go
But I'mma try to figure out where we lost our sensibility
We once were warriors but now it's all sensitivity
Back before this wack rapport attack the shore the average bloke that you'd be brawling with would actually have a sack of balls
I'm living full of liquor stout lager with the bitter
Pay them three figures for some jeans that's been ripped up
I must be some shit cunt that can't see the lie
I'm not about to speed up so I can get with the times
'Cause times ain't right, a nation built on convicts
Slept through evolution and awoke looking like dog-shit
You think that I'm an outcast? That I'm inferior
Because I don't dunk my nuts in jars full of Nivea?
Well fuck that, take a long walk to chackle
Then forget to moisturize your pasty ass so you're cracked
And the chicks knock you back
Nah the chicks are just as bad
"That's hot" shut the fuck up you munted scrag
Line for line it's all Paris Hilton this and that
Your role model can't suck a dick how can you live with that?
She can't sing, she can't drive, natures hollow
A prime example of a load her mother should have swallowed
If tomorrow I could borrow then I'd show you all today
That dirty little slut of 55 sniffing K
That's where these broad are headed
To a sauna, got me worried
If I stick my dick inside I'll get infected by the slurry
Who knows where these ho's been
Maybe around the OC
Looking for a record deal to keep up with that Jones dream
Fuck you all and fuck keeping up appearances
I'll keep my [stolen gutter ?]
Reppin' salvo clearances
This is the role model derelict
The bogged out bogan on the corner never spending shit
Small dogs, big bags, big shirts
Say fuck that shit, you look the worst x2

[Verse 2]
About an hour at the counter
There was a skeeze with a chihuahua
She was pouting how some talcum powder fell into the shower
Now [?]
This bitch starts to cower
This kid was ticked off 'cause it was his that hit the ground
Just like that, my cities turning lesbian
And down Russel Street they're all shooting caps of estrogen
The question is where we find these trend setters
These fuckers get me pissed off like dingers off a bed wetter
You'll see me with new era's iced out
Chain psyching out just too fit the fuck into the rap game
I walk the streets in the flesh
You ain't arresting me
I'll bend your girl down and she can have that new accessory
Complimentary from your dude around the block
Once I knock off this song these cops will probably want me shot
Next time I'll write a battle track on techno
Talking all about how I'm sick of all you metros


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