Mystery Science Theater 3000 - 1998 Summer Blockbuster Review Theme

Kiss your self goodbye!
A meteor's a-fallin' down from the sky!


Say goodbye to life!

See ya!

A crazy guy is after you now with his big knife!

It's the end of the summer as we know it!

and the movies that they show it!

2... 3... 4... and go now

Gave us lots of fears!
and really hurt our ears

Scary pictures of war, and a Bruce Willis playin' on a meteor!

and conspiracies from space and Matt Damon's big face!

and a being murdered by a nut and, uh, Jim Carrey's butt!

So if you wanna know what's true, sugar!

[Crow and Servo]
It's the Mystery Science Theater 3000


[Crow and Servo]
Blockbuster Review!

Yeah, oh yeah!


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