Sticks and stones will break my bones

But rippin cones will get me stoned

Fuck yeah

I’m off my chops

Fuck yeah

Film the cops
FTP shout out Nolsey

That’s who it is

That’s who you gotta meet

He’s a good cunt

He roles a good blunt

If you want one

Gotta ask for one

He’ll say fuck off

Go rippa bong

He’s not stingy his name is mike

He’s the cunt who rides the postie bike

He delivers mail

He’s faster than snail
He pops them wheelies when he’s on the trail

But enough of that

Let’s get back to reality

We in Brisbane

That’s where you gotta be

The Stu is where it’s at

K1’s on the map

Flops are stealing his beats

And their flows are fucking wack

But when I’m here

I merk the beat

My bars are always fresh

Without brushed teeth
I kill it with third degree murdery

Than revive it with some brain surgery

Brought back to life

No hurst needed

Did you see that

I know she did

I got them dropping jaws

To the floors

Did I say to much

Or do I need to say more

That was the question asked

And that’s how I answered

I’m done for now

I’ll see ya in Rockhampton


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