NΣΣT (NEET) - It's okay to start over

About a half a year ago, I made a video saying I wanted to start making videos. It was a good start and I'm proud of what I made, but after a couple of videos, I just stopped.

Instead of making videos, I started overthinking. I started feeling like I wasn't good enough. My self-confidence got the best of me and I couldn't find it in myself to make another one. I had a little voice in my head that kept telling me

"You don't got it, man. You should just let go. Maybe you should just quit and stick to your day job. You're not good enough."

I hate to admit it, but for a moment there, a part of me believed
that self-doubt. But there was another part of me that said

"You know what? I think you could do it. You got this. All you got to do is take your time, make a battle plan, and do the thing."
It was a struggle, to say the least.
The main struggle I found was that I put too much pressure on myself to deliver. Artists tend to define themselves by their craft. "I'm a musician because I make music." "I'm a writer because I write." We are who we are because of what we make
When you think about that, that mindset can result in tremendous pressure. Our identity becomes linked to our creations. Everything we put out has a little bit of "us" in it. It's only natural to want the things we create to succeed, but when the need to succeed becomes bigger than the need to create, you can find yourself overwhelmed.
I know I did.

I think as artists, we're all perfectionists in some way. We all want our next song or drawing or video to be the best, most magical thing we've ever done. And if it isn't a "hit" the moment we put it out there, you feel like... like shit. Inadequate.
This way of thinking is not good. It's—it's not healthy.

Now, I'm not trying to be a motivational coach. I just want you to know that it's okay to feel like you're not the best at what you do because being the best isn't the point. The main point is appreciating the process of creation and any success that comes with that is like icing on the cake.

Learn to appreciate yourself for making all the things that you've made over the years. And if you're just starting, you should congratulate yourself for making that decision to try. Because there's so many people out in the world that just give up without even trying.
I got to give props to any kind of creative: producers, artists, DJs, vloggers, content creators, streamers, anyone who is putting themselves out there right now. Because what you do is hard work... really hard work. And when you go into something thinking "it's gonna be easy", let's be honest, it really isn't. I wasn't aware of how much effort was needed prior to making videos and content, but now I am.

In the past few months, one thing I learned is that things don't happen right away, things don't always turn out the way you want them to, so it's up to you how you want to bounce back. It's up to you what your next step is going to be, to be who you want to be, and to live the life you want. I took a lot of time reevaluating everything, asking myself questions and establishing what exactly I want to do. What do I want to create? And how can I show you... me?
Throughout the years, I've had so many ideas, so many ideas! But the thing about ideas is that they'll never see the light of day until you decide to do something about it. You'll never know how it'll turn out until you do it.

My name is NΣΣT and I'm a music producer. I like sneakers, stickers, and I collect stuff I like. I like playing fighting games even though I'm not good at them, and I like black coffee.

Welcome to the next chapter in my life.
Hope you stick around, and before you leave, I just want you to know that

It's okay to start over.


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