Shoshin - Manchester's alright

Walking through the filth and the fuss it's another dead city
And everyone's a bum in this slum we could build a tent city
Crawling with the busies and busies are keeping busy with no pity
Beneath the arches there's work and the girls who work are just working themselves skinny

Manchester's ok if you never lived
Manchester's ok if you never travelled
Manchester's ok if you never learn
Manchester's alright if you dress like Jimmy Saville

Drinking with the lost and the bland nearly numbs the senses
Blinking through the fog as your hands rub on tired old lenses
There's extra costs of living cos hard living's unforgiving in expenses
So live hard with your guard up or it's hard luck you're carved up with no defences

Manchester's ok if you never lived
Manchester's ok if you never travelled
Manchester's ok if you never learn
Manchester's alright if you dress like Jimmy Saville


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