The Nightcrawlers - So Many Stars

So many stars but so little light
Ive no full moon to guide me on this crescent night
In darkness all colors become black or white
As all decisions become wrong or right
One step from silence the evening stirs
Straining my senses I listen for words
You are so beautiful I lie say I dont envy
My greed would only taint your universe that so enthralls me
I wanna lose myself in your natural ways
I want your emptiness to fill me and Ill shine through your rays
But theres nothing I can do cuz no matter what I do
It wont make me you
And I can never really try cuz no matter how I try
Only faith could get me by
So many stars but so little light
Ive no full moon to guide me on this crescent night
And judgements like these stars
Give the illusion of knowing where you are


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