Vlad TV - Lord Jamar and Vlad Debate Dr. Sebi's Claims of Curing Cancer and AIDS

J: And yes, he did do the things that he said he did. I heard you, I- people said you was talking shit about Dr. Sebi.

V: Yup

J: Okay, let's talk about it.

V: Let's talk about it.

J: Okay? Let's go!

V: Let's talk about it cos-
J: Mucus is the enemy. He fucking exposed that, and he-

V: First of all, let's just, let's just look at some facts.

J: Yes, let's.

V: M'kay. Dr. Sebi does not have an actual medical degree. He has a certificate of healing. It's a piece of paper that says "certificate of healing".

J: Okay. So what?

V: So, to me, he's as much of a doctor as Dr. Dre.

J: See, you're tryna be funny right now, but... *Vlad laughs* that's some bullshit because although he doesn't have a certificate from the white man's fucking school, this motherfucker has been studying homeopathic medicine for most of his fucking life and probably knows more than most doctors know about this fucking field. Okay? So, someone like me doesn't necessarily need the approval of, of the powers that be to to to let me know if somebody's an expert or not. I'm gonna test their knowledge, I'm gonna see what they know, and I'm gonna decide for myself if this man is a doctor and I'm TELLING you that man was a doctor. I don't give a fuck what they say. But continue.

V: Well... I mean, I'm not saying that you have to go to a white medical school. You can go to a black medical school...

J: What I'm saying is they all go under the criteria of, of, of Western medicine. You see what I'm saying? They're all going by the criteria of Western medicine. And have some sort, and are, and you're only official if you're accredited by these people. So yes, that is white people's institutions. And it's their fucking shit how they set it up.. umm... that does not take away someone's knowledge. Like, I could've studied... there's plenty of, uh... jailhouse lawyers. They can't fuckin'... uh, practice law in a real fuckin' court of law. But these motherfuckers, a lot of them know MORE than practising lawyers. Am I gonna just shit on them, just diregard their knowledge just because they don't have a piece of paper? Like, that's retarded! That makes no sense. And he's NOT as much of a doctor than Dr. Dre cos Dr. Dre knows about MUSIC! He doesn't know about the human body. So, y'know, it's not just a title. Ya see what I'm saying? Like I mean, technically you can say "yeah he just gave himself that title". Shit, I'm Lord Jamar, I gave myself the title of a Lord. Somebody goes "oh he's not a real Lord! He didn't, y'know, in the British monarchy" or whatever the fuck they think a real Lord is. Um... that's, that's, we gotta throw that out the window, Vlad. Keep moving. What else you got about Dr. Sebi?

V: I don't think that having a medical degree is the only way you can heal somebody. Me personally, I went through serious health problems and I found it was actually all in my head. It was, it was the stress, and, me being a hypochondriac, you know, who's always scared of, y'know, dying from some crazy disease and everything else like that... fucked me up. I lost like 40 pounds. And once I realised it WAS in my head and positive thinking started to take over, my health came back. A lot goes into the mind-boyd connection. I got it! I absolutely believe in it from firsthand knowledge once again. This is not me telling someone else to do it like you have, this is me actually doing it myself. So you and I have both had experiences close to us. But at the end of the day... he claims to have cured AIDS and cured cancer.

J: Mmhm.

V: I've never seen any actual proof of any of this. Okay?

J: The proof is they took him to fucking court and couldn't fuckin' hahahaha.
V: They took him, they took him to court, and I looked up this court case.

J: Mhm.

V: That court case didn't actually prove that he cured anybody. Do you know what that court case, what the outcome of that was?

J: What, that he didn't treat them, that, that they couldn't prove that he was treating them?

V: In the court case... hold on.

J: Cos I, I was looking into this stuff too. Go ahead. Lemme hear what you 'bout to say.

V: He was acquitted because a juror, because the jurors claim the state failed to show he made a medical diagnosis.

J: Correct!

V: They couldn't prove that he diagnosed-

J; He was treating people. Right! Correct. So he was TREATING people but he wasn't diagnosing them! And so that was the key too! They were coming to him saying "I have AIDs, I have this". He didn't look at them and say "you have this". But he treated them for it! And, what you're NOT telling them is, in the fucking, umm, in that court case, all he need was like 9 people to say that he cured them. He brought like 75! So why don't you fuckin', uh, let the people know that shit!?

V: None of those 75 people has actually been proven that he cured them of anything. They just said it.

J: Come on, bruh. What?

V: At the end of the day, nobody... none of those people took an AIDs test before and after Dr. Sebi.
J: Vlad if you're hold him to this.

V: It never happened!

J: If you're gonna hold him to this stringent of a, of a thing, then there's a lot of other shit I need you to hold as, as, just as tough! Trust me!

V: Lemme tell you something: There is a standard HIV test out there used all over the planet.

J: Right, and it's bullshit, Vlad! It's bullshit!

*Vlad laughs*

J: The motherfucker who made the test... [laughing] oh my God, Vlad. Stop it! Stop it witchyo mainstream bullshit. Okay? Dr. Sebi is a credible man. We're not gonna fuckin', we're not gonna, uh, talk down about him or nothing like that. I'm telling you he was doing what the fuck he said he was doing. Okay? You can't prove that he didn't do it! Right!?

V: Yeah, and you can't prove that he did do it.

J: Okay! So then we just. Now we're in the realm of belief, then!

*Vlad laughs*

J: So it's either you believe he did it or not. I believe he did do it.


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