FKA Twigs’ VaporMax Commercial Was Too Much For Nike

FKA Twigs’ VaporMax Commercial Was Too Much For Nike

FKA Twigs announced her partnership with Nike last year as the Creative Director of NikeWomen’s Spring Zonal Strength Tights campaign. That campaign featured a cinematic ad and a new song called “Trust In Me.” And according to New York Times’ Nike exposé from yesterday, she filmed another commercial that was cut due to purportedly risque content.

FKA Twigs’ campaign for the women’s VaporMax shoe was shot in Mexico City for its fall launch. Nike’s former president Trevor Edwards okayed her direction pre-shoot, but when executives saw her vision come to fruition — “a woman twirling on what looked like a stripper pole and male athletes in sports bras striking odd poses” — they killed the campaign.

Nike spokesman KeJuan Wilkins tells The Times, “We have a history of pushing the boundaries in marketing, just as we do in product development…We create a lot of material that is not deployed in the marketplace.”