Black Dresses – “IM EARTH” Video

Black Dresses – “IM EARTH” Video

Last month, Black Dresses — the collaboration between Canadian experimental pop musicians Girls Rituals and Rook — put out their excellent debut album together, WASTEISOLATION. The day the album was released, they shared a music video for “GO INSIDE,” a low-budget affair that gets by on sheer force of personality alone. Their next video, for the groggy “IM EARTH,” is a little more refined, shot by Ivy Adams in washed-out colors by a pool surrounded by shadowy vegetation, but the two of them are still the main pull. They both stare directly into the camera, intercut with clips of marine animals. At one point, Girls Rituals drinks a La Croix and smokes a cigarette and looks very cool, which seems like the ideal life. Watch it below.