Former Dave Matthews Band Violinist Boyd Tinsley Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations

Former Dave Matthews Band Violinist Boyd Tinsley Denies Sexual Harassment Allegations

Former Dave Matthews Band violinist Boyd Tinsley is denying allegations of sexual harassment filed against him in a lawsuit on Thursday, promising to defend himself and fight the claims in and out of court.

Boyd was accused by trumpeter James Frost-Winn of making frequent sexual comments to him over the course of their professional relationship as a member of the band Crystal Garden, which Boyd formed, produced and managed for a documentary project indented to chronicle the group’s rise to fame.

In a statement to Billboard, Tinsley referenced an interview Frost-Winn gave to Consequence Of Sound on Thursday, calling it a “one-sided account.”

The statement read: “I’m truly hurt by the one-sided account that appeared on a blog about me yesterday. I only wish the reporter had spoken to me first, so they would have heard the truth.

“I will defend myself against these false accusations. I can only assume the motivation for the article and the lawsuit filed against me.

“These accusations have caused embarrassment for my family, my friends and my fans.

“I will fight both in and out of court to repair the damage that has been done.”

Among other accusations, in the lawsuit Frost-Winn claims Boyd once sat next to him as he slept following an all-night recording session and masturbated while touching his buttocks. Boyd allegedly blamed it on confusing his medication, saying he was “messed up,” but later suggested that was not the case.

In February, Tinsley announced that he would be taking a break from Dave Matthews Band. Now it looks like that has turned permanent.

In a statement issued Thursday, the band said Tinsley “is no longer a member of the band” and that its members are “shocked by these disturbing allegations” and “were not previously aware of them.”