George's Journal - Day 66: Catch Up Day

March 7th, 2024

The morning of Day 66 began with dog cuddles at the apartment, a heartwarming prelude to a day filled with catch-ups and nostalgia. Packing up, I set off to reconnect with friends, each meeting a thread in the rich tapestry of my Brisbane life.

First on the agenda was coffee with Chris Wayne, a cherished friend birthed from the pandemic's isolation. His "The Naked Magicians" show in Vegas was a hit, and our catch-up was a delightful blend of laughter and shared memories.

Next, I rendezvoused with Nathan Barrett, my former trainer turned lifelong friend. He chauffeured me around town, assisting in collecting wedding printouts for Emma, blending errands with camaraderie.

Our city escapade led us to savor some ramen, a simple pleasure amidst the day’s errands, before parting ways. The next leg took me to our storage unit, a bittersweet dive into the past, unearthing suit essentials while navigating a sea of memories.

Checking into Spicers Balfour for the wedding, I was greeted by the comfort of a lovely room and the vibrant joy of my new bright pink Nike sneakers, a bold statement I couldn’t wait to flaunt.

The evening unfolded with separate plans for the boys and girls. For us men, Liam had a surprise at Felons; he asked us to be his groomsmen. Having shared that role for me, and soon marrying my sister, I was overjoyed and honored to stand by him.

A scrumptious meal capped off the night, setting the stage for an early retreat to Spicers Balfour, resting up for the excitement of Emma's wedding day.

Until tomorrow,

G.Shep xx


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