T-GUY TRIXY FT VAN GORDON(VG)_African American official music video

African American is song by 17 year old teen artist T-GUY TRIXY from South Africa featuring Van Gordon(VG) from USA ,produced by kaybee From SA.

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African American basically explains we are family.
If this wasn't slavery,hip hop wouldn't have existed.we wouldn't have great rap musicians like 2pac,B.IG etc.African American is an inspiration to mostly Africans that us as one continent we can be globally huge  like the Americans if we hold hand together and simply emphasise that we have same blood,same power as our sisters and brothers that came from the motherland.Holding hands together as Africans and Americans can have a successful attitude that can not be subdued easily by the world.We have the same reason to die and same reason to live,the difference is our location.Also a good reminder to Americans not to  forget the family they left behind in Africa, Africa is their homeland and  Us as Africans should stop with the hate we have against each other  to make it a better place  so our Brothers and sisters can feel more home


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