How is Creativity Like A Bloodbath In A Junkyard?

Creativity as hostage negotiations

Obsessional desire and faith

Why is creativity a hostage negotiation with depression?

And who are the negotiators ?
Desire and enthusiasm ?

It’s a tug of war between desire and enthusiasm versus depression and self doubt

That’s the dance of creativity

For me a creative session
Or creative work
Can sometimes look like this

Just me on the couch scrolling my phone
That’s what you would see from the outside looking in
But what’s actually happening
Is a hostage negotiation
Or a world wrestling championship between
Depression and fear
Versus desire and enthusiasm

Team desire

Will win a round
I’ll make it off the couch
Sit in front of my computer

Program a beat
Strum a guitar
Edit a video
Dial in a mix

Or whatever creative task
That desire has in his sight lines

Often team fear will fight back hard

Distractions will call
And after 15 or 20 minutes
Back to the couch I wlli go

This back and forth happens frequently on the onset of a day when I’m forging ahead but struggling to do so

I’ve learned not to judge days like this
Because it’s in the judgement that team fear takes further ground

And after a few back and forths like this
Something happens whereby I can make Long stretches of time working and often significant things get done

What I’m trying to illustrate
Is that the creative process or creative work

For me anyway
Isnt always pretty
And sometimes from the outside it could appear that I’m wasting time

But I’m in a negotiation
And if I judge myself harshly in those moments
I’m only giving fuel to the side I’m rooting against

That’s the micro view
Of the hostage negotiation that is a creative life

The macro view
Is a wider timeline
A project
A collaboration
A body of work

The fulfillment of which
Won’t be pretty and polite
More like a bloodbath in a junkyard

I think we have ideals about how it should look
And how we should be
And the moment
Reality let’s down our ideals
The moment reality stops looking like perfection or chants of congratulations from the loving masses
Is a dangerous moment for the life of a project and creative vision indeed

Or any relationship any
Or anything that requires the grit of reality to see it through

But with a creative endeavor
It’s our own personal failings
And problematic self esteems that we are forced to confront
And finally move beyond

And to carry on inspite of the battle we just lost

It may look like I’m on the couch scrolling my phone
But I’m actually on a warhorse
Reaching for my sword.

Don’t give up
Just Casue it’s all gone horrifically off the rails
Believe me
That’s actually a good sign

Ever delivered a baby?
It’s miraculous
But it ain’t pretty

Keep swinging


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