How to not let unrealistic expectations dull your shine. #motivation

Walking through the fire of indifference

I have a friend who is making new music
And breaking through
The limitations of fear that had prevented him in the past from putting out a record

So he’s doing great
But he told me he was disappointed in the response he got by way of limited engagement

Not enough people tuning in
And indeed when we consider the biggest pitfalls in being a content creator these days

It would have to be walking through the flames of indifference at the top of the list

Which means for a significant period of time
And through lots of effort
Tons of effort
Tons of overcoming fear
And digging deep
Tons of dedication and resolve
Our engine
Our output machine
Will have to run almost entirely on faith

Effort and time is what we must provide
And for a very long time usually
The only source of energy we will receive or be able to pull from is faith

Because most humans are in the very same battle that we are in
Spinning in the land of demonic possession
Which sounds like an overstatement but it’s not
The chattering of an unhinged mind
Broken and fractured from the abuse of a lifetime on planet earth
Formed by other damaged souls
So that it forever whispers messages of not being good enough
And damning movie reels of regret and discouragement
Inter cut by outsized visions or delusions that fame and fortune will save you from it all

And that obviously you are the best
And the worst

Not just a person
Who has to work away
Walking through the flames of indifference
For years without feedback and remaining consistent
To become pretty good where possibly a few people start to notice and benefit from your wears

But the ego or the mind isn’t about all that
It’s about extremes
You’re either the best or the the worst
A misunderstood genius
Bla bla bla

So how do walk through the flames of indifference
How do we move beyond the ego
The mind
The battering ram of time
First of all we give up trying to pretend the ego
Or the chattering mind
Or thoughts
Are ever gonna help us

They will be there at the beginning with delusions of grandeur
Which will motivate us for a time
But ultimately when reality comes crushing down
When the world is indifferent to us or negative even

That same voice will come at us with condemnation and damnation
And isolation
And desolation
And provocations

We can’t operate from that voice and get to where we ultimately want to go

So we get into the habit of observing that voice
Of metacognition
Where we operate from faith
From God more than ego
From the joy of creating to give

Because in a day to act with inspiration is
In and of itself a better use of time
And more fulfilling than to not do that

In other words we try operate beyond the voice within that’s in it for future glory and material success
And instead we operate from the place of presence that is in it
Because the moment is more fun when creating

This voice this spirit this energy
Is operating for the love of the moment
And isn’t holding the future hostage for results

Of course we have egos
That create ridiculous scenarios
That oscillate between extremes
And try to motivate us through fear

We can’t reach into our minds
And pluck out those
Damaged voices at will
But we can observe them and learn to not take them seriously so that fade with time
And begin to hold less and less power

We can do that.

And from that point walking through the flames of indifference becomes
Less heroic
Less astounding
Less framable by the egos voice

And more just a matter of course

I woke up and wrote this not for some future reward
But because to wake up and write is kinda joyful
Is fun in the moment
Is a way to say thank you to life
And hopefully find a way to serve my fellow man

I’m not pinning a giant result to it
It’s just fun to do in the moment
Or more fun to do it than to not

So why not

The future doesn’t exist
Neither does the past

Those are just concepts in our
It’s always just been now
And right now
We might as well make something.
Instagram @joseph_arthur
Twitter @josepharthur


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