HOMEWARD BOUND [Live at The Stoller Hall] - The Apex Singers

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Recorded live at The Stoller Hall, The Apex Singers perform Homeward Bound in celebration of the 1-year anniversary of their debut album 'Hiraeth'. Homeward Bound is an American folk song by Marta Keen Thompson. The song conveys the feeling of finding ones own calling and knowing that loved ones will always return.

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Lydia Wonham
Sophie Procter
Katie Emanuel
Niamh Feeney
Matthew Burns
George Lowe
Elliot Maxwell-Hodkinson

Arranged by Ollie Lambert
Video by 491 Film Co.
Made with the support of our Patreon members
Jennifer Burns
David & Sarah Emanuel
David Taylor
Mike Doherty

Our debut album is available now!
Physical CD & Digital Download: https://www.theapexsingers.com/shop
Streaming: https://ffm.to/hiraeth

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theapexsingers
Website: https://www.theapexsingers.com
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/theapexsingers


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