How Much Have We Been Looking Past VII - Beavers and Water

Watch: "Want to Solve Wildfires and Drought? Leave it to BEAVERS!"

"Only in recent years—as we face relentless fires, persisting drought, desertification, and the wide scale depletion of our water tables—have we begun to look back earnestly on our impacts and assess our oversights.
Our modern agencies and scientific communities, both abroad and in the U.S., have finally begun to take beaver and their significance as eco-engineers seriously. The past few years have seen a resurgence of scientific studies, public documentaries, and recovery-plans all revolving around the critical work that beavers do for this land’s ecosystems and water tables.
The most beautiful part of this modern recovery effort is that it is not a technological plan. Beaver science is intuitive science. It’s the science of humbling one’s self and learning from a “rodent” that’s been quietly guiding and teaching us all along..."
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