The Greatest 90-Year-Old Flutist, Read Bang - Roger Williams

🎶 January 19, 1991, Roger and Read brought the house down!
During Roger's Coral Ridge concert in Florida, he introduced his beloved Uncle Read Bang as "The Greatest 90-Year-Old Flute Player in the Whole World" and convinced him to play a song. Roger said his Uncle Read brought him to his first piano lesson at 3 years old and promised him an ice cream cone if he would practice! 🎹🍦Read played flute in a trio with his sisters and in orchestras before becoming a successful businessman. His daughter, Betty Bang Mather became a well-known professional flutist, professor, and musicologist.
The song he performed was originally written in 1729 by Lady Caroline Keppel for Robert "Robin" Adair, born in Dublin, printed in 1811, and was immensely popular throughout the whole century both in the USA and Britain.


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