rash decisions w Rad Pinckard


Rad Pinckard is a skateboarder, former drunk, and a songwriter. I met him a couple of years ago when I needed cheap labor and we kept in touch. No, you probably haven't heard of him but I wanted to have him on the podcast because he's been writing some really incredible songs. They're sad and funny and playful and self-deprecating and terribly catchy. The recordings... well, yeah, we are both just starting to learn how to record ourselves. But I really think his cobwebbed-but-hopeful heart shines through on these tracks. The response I've gotten from people who have heard the stuff really makes me think that he can do something with these tunes. Let's try to help him on his way. He's https://www.instagram.com/rudeboyrad/ and you can hear his music at https://soundcloud.com/poolsidesacrifice. You should also follow https://www.instagram.com/basedventura/ which is the profile he runs to facilitate dog adoptions in Phoenix for the Arizona Animal Welfare League.
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