George's Journal - Day 77: No Sacrifice, No Victory

March 18th, 2024

Today kicked off with a resolve to hit the gym—a much-needed session after a bit of a hiatus, and my muscles were definitely sending out an SOS.

Before diving into the day's exertions, I took a moment to showcase a favorite spot at our family home—the outdoor pool area. It's a serene sanctuary, perfect for reflection, a coffee break, or just soaking up the Brisbane sun.

My journey to the gym took a delightful detour when I captured a precious moment on film: Grandma openly declaring me her favorite, confirming everyone's long held suspicions.

At our local gym Function Well, I tackled the Airdyne machine, a decision that would soon prove to be ambitious. Running into Darren, the gym's owner, and joining him and Lachie for a workout meant I was in for a serious session. I was more than 'cooked' by the end of it!

Returning home, I was greeted by Chris and Greg Barker, two very special family friends who were like second parents to us back when we were growing up in Papua New Guinea. The reunion was a beautiful blend of nostalgia and laughter, a reminder of the deep roots and connections that shape us.

Seeking some recovery from the day's physical toll, I ran a bath and played around with Snapchat filters to create some quirky content for my Instagram page @adopeaday.

The day concluded with a family dinner, but the mood turned bittersweet as my wife and I faced the looming reality of our upcoming departure. In a raw, emotional sign-off, I shared the sacrifices involved in chasing dreams—living continents apart from my wife, the tough goodbyes, and the personal cost of our aspirations.

It was a day filled with physical challenges, cherished reunions, and the emotional weight of imminent farewells—each moment a poignant slice of this journey we're navigating.

Until tomorrow,

G.Shep xx


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