I Feel Home with Marc - Episode 2

I Feel Home with Marc - Episode 2 - 4/12/2020 Set List 1. Back To One 2. Love and memories 3. California 4. Nantucket Is Gone 5. Heard The World 6. That Was A Crazy Game of Poker 7. We'll Pick Up Where We Left Off 8.Heaven 9. Black Rock 10. I Feel Home Marc's second Instagram Live performance from home. Marc performs songs from the O.A.R. catalog, talks to viewers, and O.A.R. saxophonist, Jerry DePizzo, streams in while making dinner for the family. Join us on Instagram Live with O.A.R. lead singer, Marc Roberge, as he shares stories, performances, and requests from viewers and joined by friends, family, and the rest of O.A.R.


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