OK Go - This (Behind the Scenes of the Moving Cover Art)

If you use Apple Music or Spotify, you’ve probably noticed that in some circumstances songs can now have moving images for their “cover.” We made the traditional, static cover for “This” with a modified grade-school spin art machine, and while we were shooting it, we also filmed the process in slow motion.

If you use Apple Music, you’ll see the full 35s loop of Motion Cover Art when you stream the song here: https://music.apple.com/us/album/this-single/1694596223

And if you use Spotify, you’ll see an 8-second loop running as the Canvas when you stream the song here: https://open.spotify.com/track/0N63RBpTovevPppc3D8NZj?si=629bab78deda4453&nd=1

And of course, you can stream the song on all other platforms, too: https://orcd.co/okgothis

That’s Jeff Desom and Steven Meizler you see working with us in the video, and Jeff edited this cool BTS piece, too.



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