George's Journal - Day 111: Breathless in Brisbane

May 20, 2024

Touchdown in Brisbane! There’s something indescribably euphoric about landing back home, the kind of feeling we tried to capture in our song "Coming Home." I think about it every time we land in Brisbane. As soon as we stepped off the plane, the familiar warmth of home embraced us.

Waiting for us at the arrivals gate was Mum, we'd missed her so much. She was as much a part of the band as we were until we made the move.

First stop, as is tradition, was Harvey’s for an authentic Australian coffee. There’s nothing quite like it to shake off the remnants of jet lag and ground us back in Aussie soil. It was early in the day, and I wanted a second to enjoy the peacefulness of being back in my home town.

After our caffeine fix, it was straight home to reunite with my kitty cat, Napoleon. As per usual, it was cold shoulder at first — almost like he hadn't missed me as much as I had missed him. Eventually I was able to get some (involuntary) cuddles in.

Next on the agenda was a soothing bath. The relaxation made it incredibly difficult to stay awake, but I had to pretend I hadn’t just flown 25 hours. The struggle to stay conscious was real.

Soon enough, I found myself back in Brisbane city, wandering through Queen St Mall. I took a nostalgic detour to check out the first stage we ever played on as a band in Brisbane. It brought back a flood of memories.

The highlight of the day was reuniting with Kathleen and her family who were visiting from Tasmania. I hadn’t seen Kathleen for quite a few weeks, and just being next to her again was beyond lovely.

In a questionable decision driven by jet lag delirium, I decided to go for a jog. Kathleen and I ran along the river walk, hoping the exercise would help me to stay awake. Unfortunately the bath combined with the jet lag made it a truly brutal endeavor, but it was worth it in the end.

After the run, I caught up with my buddy Chris Wayne at our old local, "Streetcorner Jimmy’s." He's always a great hang, and for an hour I get to pretend it was the way life used to be. Before calling it a night, I managed to squeeze in a cheeky jump scare on Emma — because... what are big brother's for?

With the day’s adventures behind me, it was finally time to crawl into bed and get some much-needed shuteye.

Until tomorrow,

G.Shep xx


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