Cannabis Dreams (Mirayo), part 1 from the album CANNABIS DREAMS

Inspired by Carlos Santana and Left Coast Venture’s new premium line of cannabis. Mirayo® by Santana was developed with the intention of enhancing healing and meditation. Released in October 2020, it exceeded my expectations and lived up to its advance billing.

Each track on CANNABIS DREAMS is ‘co-composed’ with a specific strain. Tuning in to this plant medicine on 11/11/20, I recorded a new soundscape featuring my Rhodes electric piano, a celestial choir, soothing waves and deep alpha brainwave entrainment tones attuned to the Earth’s Schumann resonance. As the music flowed through my fingers, I knew I needed to include this track as a last-minute addition to take the album to a higher octave.

Experience them all! Available at Amazon, Apple Music, and your favorite streaming platforms.


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