2011-2024 The future of KILL THE NOISE

what did we miss?

damn its been a long ride to 2024.
I feel like a majority of us probably came together around 2010-ish?? right when things were changing in dance music in a way no one could’ve expected. Some of us crossed paths more recently. I reached out to yall the other day curious to hear your memories and this video came together. it had me thinking about life and time and damn… heavy stuff! I can see myself grow up on screen but also i see a different guy in some other ways towards the end. There’s a moment suddenly where Im a Dad with my damn kid on stage…. It made me think while reading these messages that some people discovered this music when they were around my sons age, and just now are reaching the age I was when I started making music… some have stuck with me since before these times, we’ve been around together for quite a while now. the music and the scene and all of you, being part of this has helped me embrace change in my life, and look forward to it.. and I hope it goes both ways there with you. So what I see is gratitude - there’s beauty in it all, time marches on and things will change, but some things stay the same. love yall

see ya next year - jake


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