Why “Woke” is Where Comedy Dies

The woke joke. It’s the death of creativity
Because it makes it all a mental exercise
And creativity
At least the powerful kind that can shake your spirit
Or get your whole body to laugh
Doesn’t really spring from the mind

It comes from the loose wire connections in your heart and your soul
That occasionally zaps the brain with a spark of inspiration
So that’s why wokeness destroys comedy or any creative endeavor really
Because it’s all mental.

Wokeness has a it’s roots in anti human
Anti fun
Anti inspired
Anti life
Anti love
Anti forgiveness

It’s dressed up as concern or inclusion
But it’s life blood is condemnation
And an energy to silence
Those who question anything about anything

So comedy for sure will be a major target for the wokeness agenda
As comedy at its core is there to lead to questions
To break open old doors
To clear the cobwebs of stuck ways of thinking
And comedy’s heart is actually in the body of forgiveness
For when we are revealed to be ridiculous
We can laugh at ourselves and each other
And we can forgive

But wokeness
Has no redemption
Wokeness is about cancelling
Remembering every word
Every supposed misdeed
And casting your fellow man in the most negative and suspicious light possible

Under the guise of concern
That’s why it’s evil
Because what it pretends to be is the exact opposite of what it is.

People ensconced in woke philosophy aren’t having any fun
And they are motivated to see to it that you don’t either
I believe it’s roots are in envy
That not everyone is damned to live in the humorless void they are trapped in
So wherever they see anyone having fun or freedom
That becomes their very next target.

If the devil made a religion or a philosophy
I imagine it would look alot like wokeness
The great deceiver
Coming in the room as the protector of life
While attacking everything that makes worth living
And love.


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