George's Journal - Day 114: Hitting My Stride

April 24, 2024

I woke up at Luke's place in Tweed Heads, a tranquil and serene part of the world that feels like a bit of a hidden gem. It was a peaceful start to what promised to be an exciting and busy day.

First on the agenda was premiering the album announcement video we filmed. Today, we finally got to unveil the name and release date of our upcoming fourth album - ZORA. The anticipation has been building, and it felt incredible to share this news with everyone. Exciting times ahead!

Feeling celebratory, I decided to revisit Paddock Bakery, a spot Scully introduced me to the last time I was on the Gold Coast. I treated myself to a hearty bacon and egg breakfast — good fuel for day two of rehearsals.

Rehearsals took up most of the day, and it was so great jamming with the band and crew for a second day in a row. There's something electric about getting together and playing our hearts out, especially with something as exciting as the Great Barrier Reef show looming on the horizon.

Once rehearsals wrapped up, I headed back to Brisbane. Despite feeling completely drained, I decided to show up for a jog. I was determined to beat my personal best and finally crack that sub-30-minute 5km. Against all odds, I did it! I came in at 29:19 — a new PB on a day I was feeling far from energized. Very pleased with myself!

To wind down, I indulged in a bit of red light therapy and a magnesium bath. Between jet lag, two intense days of rehearsals, and a new jogging PB, I was completely zonked. My eyes are barely staying open as I close our the video. Time to call it a night.

Until tomorrow,

G.Shep xx


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