Rufus Wainwright - Queerties Icon Award Speech

It is a great honor to know that my work has resonated with so many people in the LGBTQ community and beyond.

I want to thank each and every one of you who has supported me on this journey, who has danced to my songs, maybe even cried or kissed to my songs, who has shared your stories with me, who has shown me love and acceptance. You inspire me to keep creating and pushing boundaries.

This award is not just mine, it belongs to all of us. It represents the power of art to bring people together, to heal, to empower, and to make a difference. Let's keep using our voices and our talents to make the world a better, more beautiful place for everyone.

Thank you, Queerties, for this incredible recognition. And thank you, LGBTQ community, for being the light in the darkness, the voice of the voiceless, and the heart of the art. Love always. ❤️🏳️‍🌈 #shorts


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