고잉 부석순 : 컴백해야지 #1 (Comeback Time #1)

고잉 부석순 : 컴백해야지 #1 (Comeback Time #1)

무려 5년 만의 컴백!!
고잉 부석순에서 최초 공개하는 부석순 타이틀곡 '파이팅 해야지'🔥

컴백을 위해 직접 나섰다?! 야심차게 준비한 PT까지!
부석순의 고군분투 컴백 준비기🙌

They are finally back after 5 years!!
The grand first reveal of BSS’s title track, “Fighting,” on GOING BSS🔥

They’ve taken this comeback into their own hands with ambitiously prepared presentations!
BSS’s bumpy comeback preparation journey🙌

#부석순 #BSS
#파이팅해야지 #BSS_Fighting
#고잉부석순 #GOING_BSS


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