The official teaser trailer for Stars Below (or, its legacy name, Vanishing World.)


A great and terrible tragedy, long, long ago, lead to the ruining of an ancient people; these people were called the Kraizen, and they had been around since the dawn of the universe. Now, they are known as the Vani- literally "The Ruined People"- and are half-souled, genocidal, killing machines made of what were once amazing, magical, draconic creatures.

Every so often, someone is born with half of the soul of a Vani- called a Tether. In this case, their respective Vani will climb up from the stars below and use their Tether to indulge in an almost ritualistic, twisted practice of killing all life that can think and feel. They call this, the "Mercy Mission"- a mindset of genuine care, worry, and despair, corrupted into an act of slaughter and misery.

On Earth, several Tethers have been born worldwide, and soon, their Vani will arrive to take advantage of the abilities granted to them by their Tether's soul half. Such is a typical mission; one that seemed no different from the other planetary missions at first from the years throughout the past. All of which... successful in their genocide.

....But.... it wasn't typical, here on Earth.
It was very different.
For humans... were no ordinary monsters in this Forever Ocean of the universe.

Humans have the capability to transform into wondrous, magical forms... albeit, with the caveat of the transformation being the most painful experience possible. And this phenomenon is one only recorded as mythical werewolves, kitsunes, fae, and the like... fearful things that modern science does not understand.

But, either way... Earth may finally stand a chance against the Kraizenian menace.
One way or another.


Story, art, music - me!
Shoutout to every single one of my friends for their support over the years!!



Decided to finally make an official trailer after all these years- five, to be exact. Has it already been 5 years since we started? Time flies, don't it? I started this project when I was 17, just less than a month before I was 18. Now, I just turned 23 today. And there's no sign of me ever stopping this project, either.

I love Kenopsia with all my heart, and the plans for it will only get bigger and cooler from here on out.

Thank you, everyone, for everything thus far. Here's to another 5 years. Let's see where Kenopsia'll be then.


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