Italy Unbroken

With the world in array and the Italian prime minister resigning due to his mishandling of the Covid situation (hello Boris!!!), it felt like the right time to post this video of ‘Italy Unbroken’ , with Leland Sklar and Pedro Segundo. One day we’ll return to play in that magically historic country, and if I close my eyes I can see all three of us eating gelato round the corner from the Coliseum in Rome. Sending love and hope to all my wonderful Italian friends and fans via this song..🙏💕🌹

Words & Music by Judith Owen
I heard your song
Across the balconies
Of this renaissance land
Through empty squares
Where families for centuries
Had broken bread and
Drunk the wines from golden vines
In summer sun

A ghost town now
But still you could not hide yourself
In all your ways
Those ancient song from mother’s knee
From sweeter days
They join you now
With so much feeling
With so much meaning

So raise your voices high
And let us know
What history has taught you
Show us please
Your Italy unbroken

And through it all
You will remain the same
Although your hearts undone
You will break bread
And taste the wine in golden sun
And you will sing
In busy streets
Amongst the ghosts of Medici’s and Harlequin

So raise your voices high
And let us know
What history has taught you
Show us please
Your Italy unbroken


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