Overcoming Demons On The Path Of Realizing A Dream

When the demons swipe and miss

When you have claw marks across the cheek of your dream

When you’ve overcome an attack
And are on the otherside of it now
With new levels of resolve and progression

That’s a good feeling and acts as a reset in the pursuit of our visions and our dreams

When we talk about the obstacles that come in pursuing a vision
Whether we assume they’re demonic in nature
Or simply psychological stumbling blocks
Rooted in damaged self esteem
And negative self talk

Or what I believe is a healthy combination of both

Whatever your personal belief is about what hinders us on the path

I think we can all agree
The obstacles are powerful

It’s hard to go for a dream
It’s hard to break from the confines of limitation
And uplevel your predicament

And moving up the levels is like a video game
In many ways

And rooting these things from the perspective of war and games
Or war games is helpful to me
Because understanding that it’s a strange competition against a personal force aiming against you
Means a healthy pride comes into it
As a healthy soldier on the battlefield
Working for you rather than against you

Let’s call him lieutenant pride
Lieutenant pride can be a Benedict Arnold
If he gets ideas above his station
He can work against you
If he tries to become a dictator
But as a soldier who takes orders from
The soul who is the general
He can act as a powerful force against the principalities that are fighting against you.

Those principalities
Those demons
Those damaged hang ups in your psychology
Whatever you think they are
Have vulnerabilities that it’s important to recognize

When they attack
When they spin the illusion of defeat
And pull out all the stops to convince you of your failure
And inability to ever overcome them.
Their vulnerability is as heightened
Proportionally to the strength of their attack

Because on the otherside of it
If it doesn’t defeat you
If you overcome it

It becomes new found strength in your ability to continue

You become a real problem
Against the ones or the forces working against you

And with reawakened resolve in the direction of your dreams

You are like a boxer coming off a victory
Like Connor mecgregor at the height of his powers
Doing a pre fight ring walk
With arms swinging ridiculously
That say
Anyone who steps against me is in a world of trouble

To have that bravado
While making sure pride remains a lieutenant
Is the magic trick here

Because with victory
Comes energy and greater resolve towards the direction of the light.

Making sure to hold onto enough humility to understand you’ve only won a battle and not the war.

It’s for us to take that energy and reapply it
To Begin again with humility as the colonel
Ranked higher than pride

Acknowledge your victory and see clearly through the lies the forces of defeat tried to make you believe were a reality
Take notes

And then from the otherside of the energetic drains that that battle foisted upon you

Establish the new energetic station from where you are now

And push
Lean into it
Congratulate yourself for five minutes
And leap again from the plateau you arrived on
Demote pride from lieutenant to Sergeant
And reawaken the beginners mind.

You’ve exposed demonic vulnerabilities
But they aren’t done attacking
They may be off for awhile licking their wounds

But they are equally obsessed with your failure
As you are with your success

So lean into the new pathway of reestablished energy
And carry the ball down field as far as you can
While they’re strength has been over turned.

Get after it while the going is good.


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