Meaningful (New Song Premiere) - Sophie B. Hawkins | demo recording excerpt

I wrote this song for a victim of a hate crime because I feel helpless in the face of the growing wave of terrorism. Hopefully it will inspire empathy toward everyone's pain, and together we can bring humanity back from the brink...

Since when is it a crime to be yourself
Somebody got hurt
Now they’re hurting
Somebody else
You know the right thing to do
You know the right thing to say
Live your truth and let it
Clear the way

Don’t lie to yourself
You can’t make it on your own
Nobody is an island
But your mind is your home
’Til the end of your days
Make it spacious make it bright
Don’t hang on to the darkness
Keep on reaching for the light

I’m helplessly tossed
Like a child I am dreaming
Full of yesterday’s loss but
Today I am beaming
Full of everything I create
I own myself and I own what I make
Step by step I won’t forget you
And today I will do something


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