It's July Already - Deep Cover

'Deep Cover' to utwór z albumu It's July Already, który swą premierę miał 20 marca 2017 r.

perkusja - Piotr Kozłowski
bas - Michał Juszczak
klawisze - Mateusz Madej
gitara - Krzysiek Winiarski
wokal - Anna Brodala

miks: Mateusz Madej
mastering: Piotr Rabiej

Nagrano w studio Wynik Sound w Krakowie

fotografia: Maciej Przemyk

Płyta dostępna na stronie Wyniku Współpracy:

in the age that's gone
you said that espionage is sacred
we don't even check our phones
but the war is on
war is on

with all our intelligence bombed
divided and everyone's a stranger
there's no enemy at home
but the war is on
war is on

your friend is all alone
and has slept for long
oh, what a show it was
every cover blown

I can see the zone
it was my favourite little haven
I like when it's cold

but the war is on
war is on
the war is on
war is on


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