Bad Luck Chibis | Big City Greens x Amphibia | Chibiverse Ep2 | Crossover | Disney Channel Animation

Anne Boonchuy and Sprig Plantar from Amphibia are co-hosting the Chibiverse with Cricket and Tilly Green from Big City Greens. But when Hop Pop breaks a theatre superstition, their show starts to turn spooky!

Watch the next Chibiverse episode here:

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Welcome to the Chibiverse! Join your favorite Disney Branded Television characters as they host a showcase to celebrate their wild chibi adventures. Each episode will star different fan-favorite characters including, Phineas and Ferb, Cricket Green, Anne Boonchuy, Molly McGee, Penny Proud and more! You never know who will show up in the Chibiverse!

#chibiverse #chibitinytales #disneychannel #amphibia #bigcitygreens


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