I love to sing, but there's a problem //:\ Anything Box | E34.2023

░▓ endpop ░▓▒ ABXWRK ░▓  E34.2023 ░▓

After a week of soul-searching about my need to rehearse more, sing more, record more, etc... I put it out there into the universe. What do I want from being a full-time creative? What is that big dream, the ultimate dream? Well now...

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◑ Digital Artifacts by endpop (Claude): https://objkt.com/profile/tz1SpzwhCKNKE5vDiEweAeHVvAwpi4djHyUh/created
◑ Merch + Prints: https://endpop.creator-spring.com/
◑ Blog: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/endpop
◑ Tour Dates: https://anythingbox.com
◑ X / Twitter: https://twitter.com/endpop
◑ SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0AEDwJyvLfojF4iKEmJDMT
◑ FB: https://facebook.com/endpop
◑ Instagram: https://instagram.com/endpop

And if I may ask you a favor, once again... If you actually got this far down the post... Please leave me a like or a comment as it does really help me out. And, sharing the video of course. There's a pattern to be seen...

Give me some love will you? :D

❤ https://www.youtube.com/anythingbox?sub_confirmation=1

? Why are you still reading? Subscribe will you? :)

Tagged as: #raresynthpop #synthpop #abox #newwave #minimalsynth #synthipop #endpop #synthpopartifacts #modernsysnthpop #minimalsynthpop #electronicmusic #modularpop #electropop #postpunk #arteymusica #musicayarte #AnythingBox #Spotify #AppleMusic #itunes #podcast #podcasts #Soundcloud #synthmusic #synthpopsurrealism #digitalmusic #digitalsound #dadaistmusic #remixes #djSet #electronica #darkwave #Youtube #real1980s #synthglitch #synthpopdada #synthpopsurrealism #quaranstream #aboxpodcast #tezosart


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