Teaser: Hamd Wato Izzo Mantasha - #UstadRahatFatehAliKhan

Teaser: Hamd Wato Izzo Mantasha - #UstadRahatFatehAliKhan

Few months into this unprecedented era of lockdown, we have become acutely conscious of how futile our existence is. Till now, we were living in an ivory tower, far removed from the harsher realities of life. Now we know what it means to not have a sheltered life. We are aware that the wide chasm between the haves and have nots must be bridged, that if we have been singularly focused on our wants, about time others’ needs preceded over.

This dua “Watoizzomantasha” is an attempt to implore all of you to #giveback to society, nature, the universe, and Allah who has blessed us with bounties. The hands only become fuller by giving. It is our responsibility to keep humanity alive.

#dua #mastermoltifoam #socialresponsibility #Allahsblessings #comingsoon #watoizzomantasha #AdnanSiddiqui #SalmanAhmed

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