George's Journal - Day 71: Tough Love

March 12th, 2024

Today’s errand run turned into a delightful jaunt through Brisbane, starting with a caffeine kick courtesy of "El Cafe's" bottled cold brew—truly a local treasure for coffee aficionados.

My urban expedition continued with an Uber ride to the heart of the city, where I fulfilled my civic duty at Town Hall, casting my vote in the local election. With democracy in action and an appetite awakened, "Little Red Dumpling" was the next stop, where the dumplings never disappoint.

As I meandered through Brisbane's streets, each turn was a trip down memory lane, peppered with tales of past exploits. The cityscape became a backdrop for my personal narrative, shared with the unseen audience of my vlog.

The journey home was uplifted by an unexpected fan encounter, transforming a routine Uber ride into a delightful exchange of stories and smiles, a reminder of the unexpected joys that this job occasionally brings.

Back in familiar territory, I sought relief for my neck at my wife’s clinic, "Move Better," where her skilled hands provided much-needed respite from the rigors of daily life. I think you can tell by the thumbnail - she's definitely stronger than she looks!

The day's adventures concluded with the rediscovery of my drone, promising an elevation in vlog quality, followed by a test flight that confirmed its readiness for aerial cinematography.

Evening settled with time at home alongside Napoleon and Baba, before a family dinner reunited us with Kathleen’s sister Alex, freshly returned from New Zealand. The day was a tapestry of errands, encounters, and endearing family moments, painting a picture of the ordinary yet uniquely satisfying life back in Brisbane.

Until tomorrow,

G.Shep xx


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