Longest Song In The World - Eterpsichore (999 Years)

'Eterpsichore' by Devachan is the longest song of the world. It measures in its written (musical score) and so far only 'virtual' form 999 years, which makes it longer than the so far longest musical piece by John Cage. This is 'ORGAN2/ASLSP' (As Slow As Possible) which is actually performed 'right now' in a church in Halberstadt and lasts altogether 639 years (it will end in the year 2640). Devachan will also provide the musical score for Eterpsichore making it an 'official' piece of music even if this work will only be performable in a 'virtual' capacity.

'Eterpsichore' - just like its counterpart 'Exisdance' (the shortest song of the world) - is another blend word that merges the two concepts of time and dance into one: 'eternal' and 'Terpsichore' which is the name of the ancient Greek muse of dance.

So we have the same concept that we find in 'Exisdance', just with another enlarged perspective. This time it is symbolizing the eternal dance of the (eternal ) souls, blinking (or: dancing) in and out of existences in realities or universes by experiencing incarnations as biological beings playing the literal and literary Shakespearian game called "Earth Life" - as the famous quote goes: "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts." (Shakespeare). Our stage dwell time is indeed miniscule in the face of time and space but for the eternal soul (or the universe) one life is a 'blip' hardly noticeable.

In order to express the vastness in time and space of a universe in 'relative' terms the measure for the song length is 999 years. You find the short first part at the start and one at the end of it. It is symbolizing a human life within the vastness of spacetime expressed by a (musical!) pause of (nearly) 999 years after the 'intro' and then an outro representing another life ends the song. The offical lyrics are the same as for 'Exisdance': "Exist!" The first note shouts 'Ex-'. But this time the second part (played after almost a millenium) with '-sist' completing the lyrics denotes a new life, a rebirth of one life (blinking / dancing into another existene) or maybe the birth of an entire species or humankind on a planet.

Musically, the song's time signature is in 4/4. It is started with an E Minor chord and is a typical uptempo Metal blast beat rhythm. The lyrics are growled (in Death Metal guttural style) not finished. The second part then ends the song with a more optimistic note in G Major.

As is generally known, YouTube does not (yet) offer the capacity for the entire length of this song. Hence it is 'performed' here only 'symbolically'. Therefore in this video the song lasts approximately 99 minutes as a 'quasi-virtual representation' of the actual piece with the real musical pause of nearly 999 years. Note again that YouTube adds some time to uploaded videos, therefore the length of the video is not exactly the representative length of the song (99 minutes). If you want to you can 'imagine' the stillness part to be 999 years of course. Imagination is a vital trait and essential part of human 'exisdance'. It is also is the best tool to bring any ambitious (or dare I say daring?) musical / artistic endeavour to life.

On a final note, it is very typical for Devachan to publish with 'Exisdance' and 'Eterpsichore' another pair of sister/brother (sibling) songs. Previous examples are: 'Darknet' & 'Deep Down The Rabbit Hole' or 'Hyperion' & 'Wardenclyffe (The One-Eyed King)' or 'Raven' & 'Egonore!' or'Lord Byron' & 'John Keats' or 'The Dungeon' & 'The Hiker'. All of these are actually 'sibling songs' due to musical and lyrical similarities or reference points.

By the way, the song 'Darknet' is on the record label '7Hard' as a single (since 2020) and available for streaming e.g. on Spotify. You can also find all other songs and albums on YouTube for free. 'Exisdance' might be part of the next Devachan album named 'Post Apocalyptic Stress Syndrome' due in 2025 of which the single 'Wardenclyffe (The One-Eyed King)' will appear soon in 2024.

Devachan/Metapoet (November 2023)



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