George's Journal - Day 113

April 23, 2024

The adventure doesn't slow down! We packed up and head to the Gold Coast for a couple of days at Clair Global (@clairglobal) in Burleigh to get some solid rehearsal time with our old band and crew. There's something magical about reuniting with the old team—it’s like putting on a pair of well-worn, perfectly fitting shoes. Familiar, comfortable, and just right. A luxury we don't quite have with us yet in the USA.

We jumped straight into learning "The Gift," an unreleased Sheppard song that’s going to be part of the new album. Sneak preview alert! It felt good to breathe life into a new song and see it take shape with everyone’s input. I think it'll be a fun one to take on tour!

After jamming and laughing our way through the first day of rehearsals, I checked out the lighting rig that Anthony had put together for our stage on the pontoon. I still can't believe we're performing in the middle of the ocean.

As the day wound down, I decided to stay the night with my old mate Luke Bovino. Luke is one of those friends who, no matter how much time has passed, it always feels like no time has passed at all. Plus, he’s the brother of our bandmate, Jason, so it’s all in the family.

Luke whipped up a BBQ feast and sitting there with a plate full of delicious food, catching up with my old friend, I felt a deep sense of gratitude. It’s these moments that remind you of the simple joys in life and how important it is to stay connected to old friends.

Tomorrow's another day of rehearsals, and I’m ready for whatever comes next.

Until tomorrow,

G.Shep xx


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