I didn’t realize how much trauma i had experienced

I recently released a book called “Finding Quiet” and while I was writing it I realized that a lot of the things I’ve experienced and brushed off as typical stress or simply annoying would actually be considered trauma. Yet when you see me now, you may see mostly joy and resilience so please know this: my joy does not reside in a body that is perfect.

Like any other human there are things that are still challenging for me, including my daily battle with my anxiety diagnosis. But I have spent my mid and late 20s in intentional solitude and therapy as i healed and rebuilt a foundation that was instilled in me since childhood.

I couldn’t be more grateful for the creativity that God has brought out of this season and the joy that gives me the feeling of a “second chance.”

My production company is called Ninety1(@Ninety1co on Instagram :). We create media and merch for 2000s and 90s kids and seek to empower the next generation of creators 🖤

Support my music & videos through Patreon - http://patreon.com/jamiegrace

Courses on Songwriting & More - http://jamiegrace.com/create/

Finding Quiet- the book :) - https://linktr.ee/jamiegraceh

Shop - https://xc1byjamiegrace.com/


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