It's July Already - Fairytale

'Fairytale' to utwór z albumu It's July Already, który swą premierę miał 20 marca 2017 r.

perkusja - Piotr Kozłowski
bas - Michał Juszczak
klawisze - Mateusz Madej
gitara - Krzysiek Winiarski
wokal - Anna Brodala

miks: Michał Juszczak
mastering: Piotr Rabiej

Nagrano w studio Wynik Sound w Krakowie

fotografia: Maciej Przemyk

Płyta dostępna na stronie Wyniku Współpracy:

when the new fairytale is available, miss
you're putting on the short dress and taking a risk again
on some marble floor you'll surely lose
very expensive and good-looking shoes

and you'll never miss even a little chance
to also lose your mind for a short romance

when no one comes to kiss your shiny lips
when no one comes to stroke your golden hair

you are searching for some better tips
you act naive
or more like being in despair

so strange
that you did it again

no one will come to kiss your shiny lips
no one will come to stroke your golden hair

you are searching for some better tips
you act naive
or more like being in despair

so strange
that you did it again


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